Collection of Tickets
1) If you have purchased your tickets through SISTIC, please be reminded to collect your tickets at any SISTIC booth before the fan-meeting, Click here to find out the location of the SISTIC Booths.
The nearest SISTIC Booth around Kallang Theatre is Singapore Indoor Stadium, #01-08 (Mon - Sat: 10am to 10pm, Sun and PH: 12pm - 8pm) Upon collection of your tickets, the Credit Card used for the purchase and NRIC/Passport/FIN Card have to be presented for verification purpose.
2) If you have purchased your tickets through Faith & D or Lee Seung Gi Singapore, please be reminded to collect your tickets at Kallang Theatre (Foyer) between 3-5pm. Upon collection of your tickets, Passport has to be presented for verification purpose.
2) If you have purchased your tickets through Lee Seung Gi Official Fanclub, please be reminded to collect your tickets at Kallang Theatre (Foyer), Official Fanclub's Airen Booth between 3.30-5pm.
Arrival of Lee Seung Gi in Singapore
Seung Gi will be arriving on 24th August 2012, 2.15pm. Flight No. SQ607, Arrival Terminal unknown for now. Will update again on 23rd.
In addition, we will be at the airport to gather Airens and take them to Marina Square (press conference) via train (MRT), especially for the fans who don’t know their way around Singapore. Please look for the big banner and the group will leave at 3:15 pm sharp to move to Marina Square.
Collection of Lee Seung Gi Singapore's T-Shirt
We did a pre-order earlier for the Tshirts. Airens who have purchased the Tshirt and had missed the collection on several occasions, please kindly take note that this is the FINAL collection day which we have arranged. We will not be arranging anymore collection after fan-meeting day.
Please collect your Tshirt on 25th Aug 2012 between 3-4pm at Kallang Theater(Foyer), Lee Seung Gi Singapore's booth.
Should you have any enquiry, please email to
Tonight With Lee Seung Gi In Singapore - Events Highlight

Press Conference (Open)
Date: Friday, 24 August 2012
Time: 5.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: Marina Square Shopping Mall Central Atrium
■This is an open press conference with barricaded area for invited media.
■Fans can see Lee Seung Gi at the press conference.
Make a Wish! From lots of love, Lee Seung Gi (4 Wishes to be granted)
Date: Saturday, 25 August 2012
Time: 3pm to 5pm
Venue: Kallang Theatre Foyer (Ground Floor)
Have you ever wish that Seung Gi could sing your favorite song to you? Dance together with you? Give you a big hug? Draw a picture for you? Do you have a question for Seung Gi that you hope he will answer you? Or any other wish that you hope Seung Gi could grant you? Here’s your chance to do so! Seung Gi will answer and grant the wish of 4 lucky fans during the fan meeting on Saturday, 25 August.
How to participate?
1. We will be issuing 300 “Wish Paper” for fans to write their wish. After writing your wish, you will need to drop the “Wish Paper” into the “Make A Wish” box. And, yes strictly 300 papers only.
2.You need to show your ticket in order to obtain the “Wish Paper”.
3.Each ticket holder can only make ONE(1) wish.
4.Both the “Wish Paper” and the “Make A Wish” box will be located at the ground floor foyer at Kallang Theatre from 3pm to 5pm. Faith & D staff and Lee Seung Gi Singapore Fan Club will be managing the wish drop box during that period of time.
How will my wish be granted?
1.Among the 300 “Wish Paper” that we received, the management will draw 100 “Wish Paper” to paste on a board. The board will be shown to Seung Gi during the fan meeting.
2.Seung Gi will select 4 “Wish” that he wants to grant on stage. We wish to highlight that only 4 lucky fans’ wish will be granted. Seung Gi’s decision is final.
Lee Seung Gi Official Merchandises (While Stocks Last)
Date: Saturday, 25 August 2012
Time: 3pm to 7pm
Venue: Kallang Theatre Foyer
Note: The Limited Set comes with 5 items (which include folding fan, cushion cover, light stick, logo towel, Book of 20 photo postcards) and The Best Album (with autograph)
Lee Seung Gi Fan Sign (Autograph)
Date: Saturday, 25 August 2012
Time: 5.45pm to 6.30pm
Venue: Kallang Theatre Auditorium
Congratulations to all Lucky Winners!
■Fan sign is restricted to 100 autograph pass winners of Taipei Station restaurant customers who have purchased Tonight With Lee Seung Gi In Singapore ticket.
■Autograph pass winners are required to queue at the 2nd floor foyer at Kallang Theatre at 4.45pm.
■Autograph pass winners must present Valid Ticket in accordance with Taipei Station record to proof your identity in order to enter the auditorium for the fan sign.
■Auditorium door close at 5.30pm sharp. Winners who are late will not be able to enter the fan sign premises.
Notice from Taipei Station:
14th August 2012 is the final day for participation! We will only accept lucky draw slips till 9PM sharp.
Faith & D will be conducting the lucky draw at Taipei Station (Bugis+ #04-03) at 9.30pm on 14th August 2012. You are invited to drop by our restaurant and witness the lucky draw live!
** Online participation will end on 14th August 2012, 12noon. Any transaction after this timing will be refunded - transaction fees will be borne by participant.
More information on how to win the exclusive autograph passes:
Tonight With Lee Seung Gi Fan Meet
Date: Saturday, 25 August 2012
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Venue: Kallang Theatre Auditorium
■Auditorium door open at 6.30pm
■Food, drinks, camera, and video recorder are strictly not allowed.
■Bag check will be conducted before entrance to the auditorium.
■Camera and video recorder discovered will be stored at a designated area arranged by Kallang Theatre management. The management will not be responsible for any damage or lost of stored items.
Group Photo Taking With Lee Seung Gi
Date: Saturday, 25 August 2012
Time: 9.05pm to 10.30pm
Venue: Kallang Theatre Auditorium (Stage)
■Group photo taking session is strictly for Category 1 ticket holders only.
■Group photo will be taken in group of 30 people.
■Official photographer will be taking the group photo.
■No personal camera or phone camera is allowed during the photo taking.
■Detail on photo collection will be provided during the photo taking session.
李昇基新加坡粉丝见面会 - 索票详情
如果你向SISTIC买票,请注意哦~ 加冷剧院没有SISTIC售票处,你是无法在那里拿到你的票的。你得必须去SISTIC售票处,出示你的信用卡和护照领票。SISTIC售票处遍布全岛的商场,你可在25号之前领。离加冷剧院最近的SISTIC售票处是在新加坡室内体育馆。其他售票处: 点击
如果你向主办单位, Faith&D或李昇基新加坡粉丝团买票,请注意哦~ 你可以于活动当天(2012年8月25日)下午3点到5点在加冷剧院大厅领取门票。以免在领票时出现失误,在领取门票时出示您的身份证明或护照。如果你向我买票,请私信或微信我。
如果你向李昇基官方粉丝俱乐部(Official Fanclub)买票, 请注意哦~ 你可以于活动当天(2012年8月25日)下午3.30pm至5pm在加冷剧院大厅(爱人展台)领取门票。
日期: 8月24日
航班: SQ607
抵达时间: 2.15pm
搭客大厦未能确定, 23号再发。
新加坡粉丝团会在机场与大家会面并且聚集各位,请往大横幅走去并在那里聚集。在下午3.15pm出发, 前往记者招待会会场, 滨海广场购物中心(Marina Square Shopping Centre)。请准备地铁车资卡(ezlink)。
主办单位Faith & D Entertainment 公告
Tonight With Lee Seung Gi In Singapore - 活动概要:
Date: 8月24日 (星期五)
Time: 5.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: 滨海广场购物中心(中央广场)
Date: 8月25日 (星期六)
Time: 3pm to 5pm
Venue: 加冷剧院大厅(1楼)
曾想过希望昇基唱你最喜欢听的歌给你听?和他共舞吗?抱抱?画张图送你?有个问题你希望他回答?或者是任何愿望你想要他帮你实现的?机会来了!8月25日新加坡粉丝见面会~ 4位幸运的粉丝观众将如愿~
主办单位将会分300张许愿字条给粉丝写愿望。注意限量300张!每张粉丝见面会门票许一个愿望。在下午3点至5点让爱人们可以把许愿字条投进许愿箱。这期间许愿箱由Faith & D 和李昇基新加坡粉丝团管理看守。在300张中,管理并会抽100张贴在告示板上。告示板会搬上台上。昇基将选4张!~
Date: 8月25日 (星期六)
Time: 3pm to 7pm
Venue: 加冷剧院礼堂
Note: (图在上面)
商品1 - 折扇 20新币
商品2 - 靠垫套 30新币
商品3 - 荧光棒 (新加坡版) 15新币
商品4 - 毛巾 18新币
商品5 - 明信片书(共20张) 30新币
限量商品一组 - 商品(1-5) + 李昇基亲笔签名的The Best专辑 120新币
李昇基粉丝签名会(限100位Taipei Station幸运抽奖的幸运儿)
Date: 8月25日 (星期六)
Time: 5.45pm to 6.30pm
Venue: 加冷剧院礼堂
■粉丝签名会限定100张签名通行证给Taipei Station(台北站)幸运抽奖的幸运儿 (幸运儿必须也拥有粉丝见面会票)
Faith & D 将会在当天930pm亲临台北站 (Bugis+ #04-03)进行抽奖。我们邀请您到贵餐馆见证抽奖!
** 网上购买餐券(一套新币31.80) 的方式也会在8月14日下午12点截止。下午12点之后的汇款将会被退还-任何必须缴付的退还费用将由汇款人承担。
Tonight With Lee Seung Gi 粉丝见面会
Date: 8月25日 (星期六)
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Venue: 加冷剧院礼堂
Date: 8月25日 (星期六)
Time: 9.05pm to 10.30pm
Venue: 加冷剧院礼堂 (舞台)
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