Sunday, January 8, 2012

[Airen Activities] Lee Seung Gi 26th Birthday Project *Update*

In celebrating Lee Seung Gi 26th Birthday, we will be giving him a birthday cake and a book for photography in korean. Funds collected will be used to get the gifts.
(SeungGi had showed great interest in photography and we look forward to more nice shots taken by him)

Birthday wishes will be presented to him (TBC: a video clip or an online magazine style)

Lee Seung Gi Singapore do not have an account that maintain its own fund. We collect funds as and when needed for projects.

We welcome any amount of donation, even if is a dollar. No obligation. =)

Please make a donation via a bank transfer to POSB Bank - Saving Account No. 060-84778-9

After you have made a transfer, it is important for you to fill up a verification form so that we can keep a record and verify your money immediately.
All information will be kept confidential.

The Verfication Form:

We look forward to your support.

Should you have any enquiries, pls email us at

Deadline for funds donation: 13 Jan 2012 (12am)
Deadline for birthday message: 11th Jan 2012 (12am) (Closed)


[Update] We have ordered a customised 3D Cake for SeungGi through a cake shop. The cake shop is making rare exception to rush the job when they know is for SeungGi.
Message on the cake: "Happy 26th birthday SeungGi, from Singapore Airen"
A Singapore flag will be placed on the cake. On the top, it will have SeungGi in a tuxedo making a heart with his hands, and will have the airen crown too. A golden '26th' will be next to SeungGi figurine. :)

[Update] 2 Korean book on photography had been purchased and was delivered to Hook today, 12/01/2011. =)

List of Airen who donated:

Thank you for your funds to the project!
leeliang - SGD20.00 (verified)
chcMic - SGD20.00 (verified)
dreamygal - SGD10.00 (verified)
ladyoflove88 - SGD70.00 (verified)
cathyseet - SGD50.00 (verified)
sslsg - SGD20.00 (verified)
pearlmint - SGD30.00 (verified)
YeeVen - SGD20.00 (verified)
Shiyun - SGD20.00 (verified)
Brenda - SGD50.00 (verified)
HJL - SGD20.00 (verified)

Total collected: SGD330.00


  1. Oh...I just wanted to suggest buying 叁峇虾米 (辣椒虾米酱) - Prawn Sambal (Sambal Udang) for Seung Gi oppa.
    When I went to Korean during the Dec holiday, my Korean tour guide said that they don't have 叁峇虾米 (辣椒虾米酱) - Prawn Sambal (Sambal Udang)there in Korea but most Koreans (who he knows and himself) love it.

    Jia Min

  2. Thank you. Jiamin!
    We noted down. As we will not be sending any gifts from singapore to korea for birthday project this time (Gifts are purchase in Korea), we will get him a bottle when any sg airen going korea. (Worried that the item will not pass through the customs via mailing.)
